Carol Levergood's Posts

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bold Imagination or was it?

Bold Imagination

            All I remembered was glass broken everywhere and a respectable policeman saying, “It’s a good thing they weren’t successful breaking in because if they had, you wouldn’t be here and certainly wouldn’t be telling your story.”  He meant we’d be dead.  That was how wicked the mafia fleeing from the police had been. Those thoughts made me afraid for my family for the first time in our beloved Brazil.

            I considered myself bold staying at the youth camp outside of town with just our son. I had done it many times and was never fearful. I loved our home and I loved Brazil, but since the police chase that ended at our front door in the middle of the night I changed, not apparently realizing it. Guns, ammunition, robbery and a police chase that ended on our door step wasn’t part of their plans either.  

            A few months later my husband Bill, was traveling.  He was hundreds of miles away to the famous Iguacu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil and would be there for a few weeks at the orphanage to help build and do some painting.  I was tired and weary for not sleeping well.  I sat in front of our son’s bedroom door a couple of nights while my husband was away.  All of a sudden our son’s safety was totally on me—or was it? 

            God was not included in my attempts to feel brave and bold.  It was a fleshly sort of bold—and I owned it---It was mine while I sat exhausted outside of 9 year old Robert’s door.  I was afraid to sleep for fear something would happen and I wouldn’t hear his cries for help.

            I tucked fear inside making it feel at home.  Our 13 year old daughter was away to boarding school so I knew in my heart she was fine.  She was happy there with her studies and friends.  But at this moment I could only think of someone breaking in, like that time after the mafia made attempts of entering while we were inside the house.  I didn’t realize how it traumatized me.  Months later here I am beginning to panic inside.

            I was so consumed with fear and worry that I became obsessed.  I sat with arms wrapped around my knees, tears running down my face.  My vivid imagination took place of trust in the Lord.  Bold?  Yes bold!  Not the type of bold to hang a blue ribbon of heroism on.  This boldness originally of trust, was now stripped away showing me in the “raw” the naked real me trying to face the greatest enemy alone. The Devil himself steps in at my time of weakness.

            But God was looking on; He knew I was there. I was so wrapped in fear I couldn’t see or feel God’s presence. He knew I would find my way back through the dark. His hand was always outstretched.  I finally reached out and took His hand.  He had been there all along.  Not too long after this I hit rock bottom; a place you don’t want to go.

            I saw for the first time what fear can do to the mind and the body.  Miles away from town, no phone, and the sound of people outside sent me to think the worse. The incident months before triggered all my feelings festered at this very moment. I had not dealt with what took place that night months ago.

            I had taken those thoughts and fears instead of asking God to take them, and I mulled over and over them wondering what could have happened if the men had entered successfully. Yes it is that culprit, “What if,” again!

            Bold is going to the Lord with all our hearts, with fear, anguish, and worry, anticipating comfort and protection as well as wisdom in matters like these. God is sufficient, but when we contemplate only on the negative or the worse, we will not know His sufficiency. 

            Why didn’t I claim Ephesians 3:12?  In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. (KJV)  Why didn’t I boldly go to God? He would have understood.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Doest Thy Tongue Cleaveth?/Banana Split Decision

Doest Thy Tongue Cleaveth?

If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.  If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.
                                                                                                        …Psalm 137:6-7

            One of our missionaries, Margery Browning works in the back woods of Brazil.  Margery has a faithful companion that walks in side her home at times; that is her horse.  It’s a simple roomy place, with open windows where you might find her horse reaching in to grab food off the counter.  This woman has served the Lord most of her life in this area and feels at home in the rustic surroundings.  
            Margery knows our family’s love for Brazil, and our conversation is mingled with joy and precious memories.  After years of hard work, she has developed health problems. One being, her glands do not supply enough saliva in her mouth.  The tongue can stick to the top of her mouth causing it difficult to talk or swallow at times, so must carry a bottle of water with her always. 
            I felt so bad for her but she said, “No I am fine! God has been good to me.”  What a blessing she is to us.  When I read the verse for today, I thought of her, even though it is not quite the same situation as the Israelites were in.  Margery is a faithful servant, and certainly not in captivity unless her horse won’t let her out the door.  But this Psalmist asked that his tongue stick to the roof of my mouth if I forgot the songs of the God of Abraham.  If I forget thee Lord, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; in other words let me never sing again, or never let me sing a song if it not be of you and your greatness.  The Babylonians mocked them saying:
            “Where is your God now? You know the one who allowed you to be captured.  Sing!  Come on sing of your great God,” as the Babylonians drenched every word with sarcasm.  It was hard to sing because it brought memories back to them of Jerusalem and the freedom that they knew and their present state of doom. Whispers in their hearts and homes, kept it alive even when they questioned how they would sing the Lord’s song in a strange land.
            Their mouths began to hum and then sing, as they brought back music and the joy of their homeland once again.  In their hearts the music was alive, but the outward silence of 70 years, broke when the Lord brought them out of bondage.
            May our tongue cleave to the roof of our mouths if we dare sing of any other than of God the Father and His Son Jesus.

Monday, October 31, 2011

An Empty Market Bag/from her book Banana Split Decisions

An Empty
Market Bag

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
                                                                                                            …James 4:14

                        Parking in front of the Central Bakery I began to cross the narrow street, with a woman slightly to my right crossing at the same time.  But as this lady and I stood making our way into the wide entry, the woman went the other direction down the sidewalk.  Judging by the direction she was heading and her squeezing by a dump truck I am sure she thought she would save some time, maybe go in the other entrance. I loved being around the busy market place with all the buzzing of activity and I always looked forward my weekly trip to the open market.      
            Waiting for congestion to clear, I concentrate on squeezing through the lesser crowd.  At nearly the top of the steps already, I hear screams then the sound of brakes.  Glancing to my right, I see a familiar print of material showing under the huge tire of the dump truck.  I ran to help her as the driver tried to move the truck just realizing he backed over someone.  In just “seconds” the woman that had been next to me was gone. 
            A small Volkswagon Combi pulled up as I held the door for a couple of bystanders to put her in the front seat.  She didn’t make it to the hospital.  No yellow ribbons laid out to mark the tragedy, no CSI, just an empty market bag lay unaccompanied soon thereafter. The blood stained concrete sent me to my car, where I shook a while, cried and found myself driving back home. No pleasant market day.
            What had just happened?  Is this what this verse means?  That we know not when our time is, but it is appointed to man, once to die.  Our life is like a vapor, here a moment, gone the next.  The incident just told, is not to sadden us, but to awake us to the urgency of the work that lies before us. 
            I knew this verse by heart, but until I saw an example so vivid, I could not fully understand.  None of us are promised a tomorrow so live each moment in the Lord.  Some have experienced tragedy close to home.  May God give you peace that He, only He can give.  And know that sin brought into this world through Adam brought on death, but Christ in His true love for us, brought us life-eternal.  We will be with our loved ones again if they know the Lord. 
            If someone you know has not yet come to the Lord, may you reach out to them and offer them what you already have!


There are people all around me everyday that need you.  May the world around me see a little less of me and a lot more of you.  Thank you Father that we have the comforting of the Holy Spirit to sooth us during times we find so hard to understand. Comfort those who have lost someone dear to their hearts. In Jesus name I pray.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sushi Bar/Sliced, Diced and Mashed

Sushi Bar

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
                                                                                                …John 3:16

            A 1950’s television set, with a fish tank behind the picture tube makes for a great conversation piece.  I have always liked items that are different and unique, a lot like me I guess. The television has the original knobs, gold trim, etc; I found it at a garage sale and love it. Today though I felt such a loss as I found one of our fish lying over the “Sushi Bar” sign.  Our little fishy gave up the ghost.    He had been with us for around seven years.  Poor thing! But I couldn’t help but be humored over this, especially where he was draped.
            I have days like that, where I feel I have been left on the “Sushi Bar” delectable’s buffet for Satan to pick on me some more.  Lying there helpless and tongue wagging, our enemy could care less what condition we are in, as long as we don’t turn to God for help.  He will leave us lifeless if he could.  God though in His matchless love and constant care, sees our condition and loves us in spite of it.
            In this my most recent devotional book, Sliced, Diced and Mashed I have referred to the many times I have felt the reigns of my enemy choking the life out of me.  Running to my Savior, He became my protection, wrapping His arms around me, reminding me He has the final word, and it is not “Sushi Bar.”
            Satan wants to leave you for lifeless friend, but Christ won’t let him near. 
Choose the Deliverer, Comforter, peace and joy when life hands you dead fish.

  Thank you for life eternal and the final word over our enemy, when he is bound for a dark eternity. Thank you in the name of your Son Jesus for the life we have in Him.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Inevitable Changes/Sliced, Diced and Mashed

Inevitable Changes

All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.
                                                                                                …Ecclesiastes 1:8
            Basketball was once known as Duck on a Rock.  This was played without a backboard, but eventually a backboard was placed to detour fans from interfering with the ball.  Times change; sometimes too fast.  We think we are the generation that invented basketball, or close to it, then we find out the game was called something completely different from what we know of it today.
 Even the golf tees have changed.  Now players can perch a tee on their lips and taste their favorite flavor.  Yes folks flavored tees, any flavor you like.  Now I have heard of flavored teas, but this was a new one for me. Golf clubs have been made of all sorts of material each redefining the game and what strategy was necessary. 
            We may come up with new ways of presenting an old idea, but it is just that, new and improved. We are never satisfied, and in some cases that’s alright.  But, most always we are dissatisfied with material or beautiful items that begin to show the slightest wear, ready to trade it in for another.  My husband might as well trade me in, ‘cause I am showing wear!!! Mileage has surpassed the limits allotted a human being. Come back to reality I tell myself.  Life is that way.  Some things we have no control over; no matter how much money one may have.
            One thing does not change, and that being that death will come to all of us.  Not a pleasant thought, but bearable knowing Jesus is in control of our life and death, and death, brings eternity with Him.  You see, I believe Christ died on the Cross, was buried and rose again the third day, to save us from a lost eternity.  I live in Him, and He in me. His death on the Cross is proof of His love for us.  I trust Him fully to take me to a better place, than what I know of here.
            Heaven waits for those who have asked Jesus to wash their sins away.  Not with the best soap on the market, even that will change tomorrow.  But with the precious shed blood of our Savior.  His blood has never been polluted, watered down, or mislabeled. The price has always been the same; free.   Tell Him thank you and accept His free gift of Eternal Salvation today.  You can still reach God through prayer, asking forgiveness; that hasn’t changed.  And you can be changed today. Trust Him, and see what happens. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Harder Than a Rock/Sliced, Diced, and Mashed

Harder Than a Rock

O Lord, are not thine eyes upon the truth? Thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.
                                                                                                                                                 …Jeremiah 5:3

                Noticing something of mine hanging out of the young ladies purse, I dared confront her about it before she went rushing out the door.  Camp items were being kept in the back room awaiting the time to open the doors of the newly built camp.  Hiring a woman to give me a hand in cleaning was great, but when I realized she was stealing from us, her job was terminated on the spot.
            When I confronted her asking why she stole from us after we had been so good to her, she replied, “You have two of these; I have none so I took one.  It sounded good to her.  She played awfully dumb and even played the violin sad song to us, but to no avail.  She saw, she wanted, and she took.  Sound too familiar in today’s society.  
            Excuses she had and to her all of them made sense in her mind. It is easy to justify what we do.  You may even believe what you did was not wrong.  What does the Bible say about it?  God calls sin, sin, and doesn’t chocolate coat it.  My helper knew she was doing wrong, or she wouldn’t have hidden the items; she would have paraded them in front of me free of concern about consequences.
            In rebellion, this woman puckered her lips tight almost like a draw string bag.  She was mad, because she lost her job, but mostly because she was caught in the act. She did not want to receive correction and her face turned hard as rock.
            Jeremiah says, Lord, thou has stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou has consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock;
            Look at someone who is really mad, and notice how hard their faces become.  Harden not your face or your heart dear friend.  God has known what rebellion is since the days of Adam and Eve.  Receive correction if needed, and return to Him!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

An unusual Remedy

An Unusual Remedy

The coffee lid flew and the hot contents of the cup drenched dad’s pants, burning his legs.  He did a bit of a jig after the hot coffee hit the skin, taking off into the house.  I dare not enter now I thought, as he hurriedly placed “my” apple butter all over the area where the coffee landed.  Getting out of the car, he caught the door on the breakfast from a fast food restaurant. 
                        My mother and dad were delighted with the cinnamon mixture and promised they would try it at breakfast.  While I was out gardening in their front yard, dad pulled up in the driveway.  I didn’t know just what he did until I entered the house later.  At first, sensitive “me” wanted to say, “What did you do with ‘my’ apple butter?” But I kept quiet realizing he was really hurting.  My father likes his coffee hot, but did not like wearing it. 
            Dad used the apple butter as first aid just like his mother.  He went on to tell me his sister pulled a hot kettle of water from off the stove accidentally spilling the contents all over her.   The cool apple butter was used as the solution for the bad burn. Whether that is recommended today I do not know, but then, it was thought to be a helpful suave. 
            Once I gave the apple butter to dad, it was no longer mine.  He could choose to use it anyway he so desired.  I used to feel hurt when I saw my Christmas present to someone returned, taking it personal.  Now once something leaves my hands and is given, and is no longer mine to make decisions over on how and if used. 
            The apple butter had a higher much greater use, and after thinking about it, I was glad it was there to provide relief for my dad.  Just as there is more than one use for homemade apple butter, so is there more than one reason for Hell.  Some feel God is a cruel God allowing there to be a Hell.  But as the scriptures read, Hell was not made for us; it was made for Satan and has angels.  God gave his Son, not that any should perish, but have everlasting life.  God gave his Son to die on the Cross; the remedy for a sin sick world.  The remedy has been there all along, but many try their own way, resulting in less than heavenly results.  No guessing at whether it will work.
            You have been given a solution, an answer for your eternal destiny.  What you do with it is up to you.  Why choose a place made for Satan and his angels, a place not even made for you?  Why not accept the gift of eternal life to experience what God wanted and desired for you from the beginning? The gift is yours.  What will you do with it?
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever lasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
                                                                                                              …John 3:16-17