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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sliced, Diced and Mashed/Journeyman


For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.

                                                                                                             …Mark 13:34

               Mix up quick and bake it soon. 
            Then you have cornbread complete.
            The best of all---
            Cornbread to eat.
            2 c. Indian
            1 c. sour milk
            2 good eggs, that well you beat
            2 T. of butter new
            Salt & soda, each a spoon
            1 c. of wheat
            1 c. sweet(sugar?)

               This recipe rhyme was found slipped between the pages of my old cookbook from many years ago.  I am not sure the origin, as the recipe was taken out and placed among the favorites in my recipe box.  Yellowed by the passing of years, I find it once again in hand, this time to try.  A description of how “Johnny Cake came about was written on the recipe. The “Indian” referred to is cornmeal and the “wheat” is white flour.  This is dated an early recipe for cornbread.
            The old favorite was kept in the box, mainly because of how interestingly it was put in poetic form.  In early America this was called journey cake—the recipe continues to explain.
            Most of us know this as Cornbread, while many are familiar with a mixture known as Johnny Cake.  The Johnny Cake I know of can be spooned out of the pan.  Interesting though how it was referred to as journey cake at one time, probably because it was easy travel food that would keep for a longer journey.  Years ago people knew how to travel for their long journey.  No drive through for horse and buggy back then.
            This journey referred to in our verse, is the journey the Son of man is preparing for at this moment.  He tells a parable of a man leaving his house, (earth) taking a far journey (to heaven), but leaves servants to keep watch over his place.  I noticed here, Christ doesn’t refer to it as His home, but knows heaven is home.  Verse 35-37 He commands them to watch for Him for they know not what hour He will return.  Be ready morning, noon, or night for ye know not when that time will be.
            Prepare your Journey cake, making a quick check to see if your house is in order for His return. Especially, do you know Christ as your Savior? If you do, you too can just call this place your house, because your real home is heaven. Notice house is a temporary, earthly dwelling place, where home is eternal and permanent; the true home to our Father.  This eternal dwelling place is offered to us when we accept His Son Jesus, as the only way to journey with Him, for eternity.
             Are you ready to go? Actually, no Journey cake needed for this trip. The trip will be quick, in a twinkling of an eye.

Sliced, Diced and Mashed/Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Here in is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
There is no fear in love; perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.  He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
                                                                                                …I John 4:17-18

            A commercial caught my attention one day, but to tell you exactly what the commercial was for, I can’t say.  It did have something to do about a car and the tranquil feeling the father had as he placed the seat belt around his 6-7 year old daughter.  The little girl jabbered so much the father had a hard time trying to get back to the wheel.  He listened intently as he had finally closed the door while she continued, not missing a beat.
            I was so tickled over the determination of this little character to finish her story while her father drove nodding his head and grinning at her enthusiasm.  But mostly, I noticed what she was wearing.  It is a female thing I am sure, but nevertheless, I noticed her outfit thinking, she must have a mind of her own, because no mother in her right mind would have dressed her child that way. It did look like she dressed herself and had fun doing it.  Nothing matched, all the way from plaids to an array of colors.  It was humorous to say the least.
            I saw myself in this little girl as she kept going in her own direction, in her own little world and it would not have bothered her one bit if her daddy had not heard a word she said.  She had something to say and said it.
            Her unmatched outfit reminded me of this verse in I John 4:4 where John writes, perfect love casts out fear.  What does that have to do with this outfit? Some things in our lives don’t match.  We are to live for Christ, and be bold.  We should not fear as Christians about standing before the Lord with what we have done for Him in this life time.  If we fear because of shame, apprehension of God’s assessment of our life in Him, then we don’t have peace and do not have a mature or complete love. We are saved if we have asked Jesus to cleanse our hearts from sin and accept Him as Savior.  We then have the promise of eternal life in Him, but we live in fear, guilt and shame of not being or living the way He wants us too in the here and now.  We become not at all anxious about His return.  In other words, we don’t match up! 
            We are fearful when we should be at peace.  Our love for Him no matter how great came about because He first loved us.  Perfect love casts out fear of standing before Him.  If you think your love doesn’t and can’t match up to His, you are wrong.  Christ lives in us and we are to be like Christ. 
            Does your life feel mix-matched like this little girl’s lovely array?  Do you say one thing, live and talk another. Do you jabber on and on but are not prone to listen carefully to find out why you have those apprehensions about meeting your Savior?  Un-confessed sin is one thing that will hinder that joy.  Confess, and live for Him in little ways everyday.  That love you show to others will take that apprehension away.  In-fact it is a promise-- that complete love, will cast away fear.

Carol Levergood's blog: Sliced, Diced and Mashed/Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Carol Levergood's blog: Sliced, Diced and Mashed/Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Sliced, Diced and Mashed/Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Here in is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
There is no fear in love; perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.  He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
                                                                                           …I John 4:17-18

            A commercial caught my attention one day, but to tell you exactly what the commercial was for, I can’t say.  It did have something to do about a car and the tranquil feeling the father had as he placed the seat belt around his 6-7 year old daughter.  The little girl jabbered so much the father had a hard time trying to get back to the wheel.  He listened intently as he had finally closed the door while she continued, not missing a beat.
            I was so tickled over the determination of this little character to finish her story while her father drove nodding his head and grinning at her enthusiasm.  But mostly, I noticed what she was wearing.  It is a female thing I am sure, but nevertheless, I noticed her outfit thinking, she must have a mind of her own, because no mother in her right mind would have dressed her child that way. It did look like she dressed herself and had fun doing it.  Nothing matched, all the way from plaids to an array of colors.  It was humorous to say the least.
            I saw myself in this little girl as she kept going in her own direction, in her own little world and it would not have bothered her one bit if her daddy had not heard a word she said.  She had something to say and said it.
            Her unmatched outfit reminded me of this verse in I John 4:4 where John writes, perfect love casts out fear.  What does that have to do with this outfit? Some things in our lives don’t match.  We are to live for Christ, and be bold.  We should not fear as Christians about standing before the Lord with what we have done for Him in this life time.  If we fear because of shame, apprehension of God’s assessment of our life in Him, then we don’t have peace and do not have a mature or complete love. We are saved if we have asked Jesus to cleanse our hearts from sin and accept Him as Savior.  We then have the promise of eternal life in Him, but we live in fear, guilt and shame of not being or living the way He wants us too in the here and now.  We become not at all anxious about His return.  In other words, we don’t match up! 
            We are fearful when we should be at peace.  Our love for Him no matter how great came about because He first loved us.  Perfect love casts out fear of standing before Him.  If you think your love doesn’t and can’t match up to His, you are wrong.  Christ lives in us and we are to be like Christ. 
            Does your life feel mix-matched like this little girl’s lovely array?  Do you say one thing, live and talk another. Do you jabber on and on but are not prone to listen carefully to find out why you have those apprehensions about meeting your Savior?  Un-confessed sin is one thing that will hinder that joy.  Confess, and live for Him in little ways everyday.  That love you show to others will take that apprehension away.  In-fact it is a promise-- that complete love, will cast away fear.