Eagles Nest
For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
… Psalm 5:9
The first time I remember hearing about the famous Eagles Nest, was from my father who served in the United States Army in Germany . Eagles Nest is a resort area, given to Hitler by some of his government officials on his 50th birthday. In a most beautiful setting, the retreat for Hitler’s dignitaries and mistress sets high in the German Alps, near Berchtesgaden .
After the war until 1960 the resort was used as a military command post. My father went to famous resort area, when as a “pop” or driver he took one of the Majors to the mountain, where a cable car would then take him up. In thinking about this interesting time in my dad’s life, I couldn’t help but think of what power Hitler must have felt he possessed, when he overlooked his position, beating his chest like Tarzan, king of the hill!
Hitler wanted to rule the world and build a destructive form of government of his own kind. No, I take that back; it originated with Satan. Remember when he tried to tempt Christ? When he offered something that wasn’t even his to offer? Satan offered Hitler all this and he fell for it. Adolph Hitler was an evil, obsessed man, living and dieing at the hand of his maker, with nothing more than dust in his coffin.
Satan’s the one offering Adam and Eve the world as they had never known, sad to say. Yes, he’s the same one high on the mountain where Christ was tempted, but did not succumb to his tactics; sinless before the tempter. And oh yes, he is the same that took Hitler above the scenes of reality and said you can have it all. Now you, my dear friend, are being offered more than what you have in your possession, or Satan would not be offering it to you.
Remember, if something comes from Christ, you will know the difference, because there are no strings attached and our Lord will never offer you the world.
Hitler is the prime example for Psalm 5:9. His inward part was very wicked and his throat an open sepulcher. The inward parts, is where evil begins to germinate.
May I not stand high on the mountain to even listen to what Satan has to offer. Make I not make that first step to look or peak at his deceitful methodical plan disguised to take me down. Help me to recognize when he tries to imitate You. Remind me that your Word says I will know your voice, so teach me to listen and recognize it daily. Clean and purify my inward parts that I may walk in Your ways, In Jesus precious Name I pray.