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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sliced, Diced and Mashed/True Luster...Truth Whisperer

True Luster!

Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.
                                                                                                            ...Acts 17:15-18

            Living in Springfield, Missouri I had the privilege of being around a lot of preachers.  Students, young and fresh out of high school, or young married, came to take classes at the Baptist Bible College.  The college is known for the number of missionaries sent to foreign fields.  But mostly I remember some of the jobs students had during this time.  They had to manage their time wisely to study for exams.  Many took up selling encyclopedias in the sixties, or Lustercraft Cookware. 

              I personally have a hard time selling products like make-up, or Tupperware.  I just don't like to put pressure on anyone. Good pans are worth investing in, but encyclopedias, the facts change too often.  For instance, the population of India is different now than from five years ago, so encyclopedias are not as up to date as the Internet.

Berk Dwiggins told the congregation at the Dunnegan Bible Baptist Church, about his effort in selling Lustercraft cookware about late fifties and early sixties.  He sold one set, and says he still has it today.  We just laughed.  Not everyone is out to be a salesman or saleswoman. 

I hope no one looks at my old cookware, because there sure is no luster where hard work has stolen the shine.  They have been stirred and scraped and sure would have some stories to tell if it were possible. Many sold cookware or encyclopedias years ago, not because they believed in it so much, as it provided an income.  They waited for the day they were ready to enter the ministry, something they were sold on.  The preachers were fanatics, like Berk said, "They believed the unbelievable."  Their faith made it real.  To believe in the virgin birth, the cross, and the resurrection made them fanatics.  I guess I am a fanatic!  I am sold on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

How about your luster?  Has the luster gone out of serving Christ?  Has it become more of a job than a pleasure? 

Want to add some luster or shine to your life?  Invite Jesus into your heart asking forgiveness of sin.  If you know Jesus already, but pushed His Word back behind the encyclopedias, dust the Bible off and let His Word penetrate your heart.  No you didn't lose Jesus you just didn't allow Him to lead the way.  That is why you're off the path now. 

Allow Christ to give you luster in your life.  Let Him stir your heart for the lost and dying around you, like Paul was stirred in the city Athens. 

Christianity doesn't take a salesman; it takes a "truth whisperer."  Believe the unbelievable!