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Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm not Monk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m not Monk!

Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house.

                                                                                                …2 Chronicles 7:1

            I love the TV series Monk, and have a good laugh at myself with my own idiosyncrasies. I really am concerned though when someone that says to me, “Oh, You’re one of them! I figured you to be like that.”  The subject was about making the bed. 
            In the class I attended, a woman student made a point to say all this in front of the rest of the students.  I thought, if I make my bed, I’m a perfectionist?  What is wrong with making my bed?  At the end of a long day, it does look more inviting to crawl into.  Allowing my self 5 minutes more is nothing so difficult.
            If you keep your house up a little each day, it doesn’t take a bulldozer to clean at the end of the week.  I remember my mother saying, “If you wipe off the stove and the refrigerator, each time we have a meal, the grime won’t build up.” I have picked up that habit in most areas of my life.  It’s not a bad lesson. 
            I want to be found faithful with all that God has given me.  Now my house is not spotless or perfect, but when my house is in order, I feel my home is a bit more in order.  I never have wanted my husband to ever be embarrassed to come home. If he found it a total disaster, he may not find it appealing to come home. 
            What about my spiritual life?  That clutter bothers me too.  How can I do great things for God when my life is full of unfinished business in need of attention? 
            Christian, take a step back for a moment and ask God to help you sort your life out.  Don’t dread it, because it will be the beginning of a less complicated life.  So many have depression, and wonder why as they sit amongst piles of boxes of muddle.  They think they have too much to do, so choose to not deal with it at all.
            We carry a lot of habits we form into our Christian life also. You might say, “I can’t change, I was raised this way!”  Wrong!  You just don’t see the necessity to change, and excuses come in the form of laziness, wrong priorities.  Making your bed is one thing, but total disarray and filth is another. 
            Open the curtains, let in some light, throw out old newspapers, and clean out the clutter.  Spiritually, God loves a clean place to dwell also.  Give Him what ever frenzy there is in your life that keeps you from giving your all to Him.  Whether you choose to make your bed or not, may the Glory of the Lord fill your house!

I give to you the areas of my life that need attention.  I have put it off for way too long.  I know what they are.  I have known all along.  Clear the path in all this muddle, confusion, and untidiness is keeping me from seeing your perfect will in my life.  Clean my heart from this sin that so easily discourages me and show me the plan you have for my life. May Your Glory be seen in me, your dwelling place!