Chipmunk Menace
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works
...Hebrews 10:23-24
A member of our church, who recently moved from California , decided to rest outside in his hammock. That alone made me homesick for Brazil where this is a common sight. The summer had proven to be one of the hottest summers on record of continual days at 90ยบ or above for the Springfield , Missouri area. Finally a rain came and cooled us from the heat for a short time.
My friend Bill told me he had been napping profoundly when plop, plop, plop, fell walnuts and walnut shells around him. Chipmunks were rather busy eating or storing for the winter, interrupting Bill's beauty sleep. He lays back again thinking it is all clear, when plop one hit him right on the head.
"That's it!" Bill said leaving the hammock swinging in the breeze.
I couldn't help but laugh when he described his plight with the chipmunk. Bill, provoked by a chipmunk resolved to give in and give the chipmunk his space. Maybe, we would have been much more provoked throwing a walnut or two, back at him. "I'll show you!" The only thing that saves the chipmunks from harm is they are so cute! How could anyone hurt them? This incident sure would make a cute cartoon, at Bill's expense no doubt.
There is always something to provoke us. Even a cute chipmunk can aggravate us on an otherwise great day. It is no fun getting slugged by walnuts, or being cut off in traffic, or someone butts in line after you have waited for quite a while for your turn. This world has turned aggressive, and the only way we can help see it change is to provoke it to kindness.
Blood pressure rises, and the desire to correct wrong can take over, I know! But if we could do as Bill did with the chipmunks and give them their space, we are in the end better for it. We even become proud of ourselves for not lowering to their level, throwing walnuts back at them. Be provoked to good works because of God's love toward us.
Chipmunks will happen, and bumps on the head will appear. So watch out below!
"Go ahead! Provoke me, unto love and good works."