Talk to Yourself?
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
…Ephesians 5: 18-20
Walking down the street talking to your self is not uncommon anymore. In fact I have caught my self in times past wondering who the man or woman was talking to, passing in the grocery store, oblivious to other’s watching. Looking around, there is just this young man and me, the only ones in the baking isle. I finally figured out the young man was wearing a very small telephone as an ear phone. This is much more common now to see, but still, I find it annoying in some places. Especially when you’re trying to have a nice relaxed evening when all you hear are phones ringing around you. Just what you need, is to be reminded of work, babysitter, etc.
As I was standing in line at a supermarket the same thing happened. A young lady lied to the person on the other end of the line saying, “No, I’m not, I really am at work.” Funny! I doubt standing in line at the supermarket, was actually her job. But there she was like she was talking to someone, but it sure wasn’t me.
A friend of ours said he has his lunch while listening to Rush Limbaugh. To anyone walking by and looking in the classroom they might have thought someone else was in the room, but he had directed his conversation to the radio.
Many of us have conversations with no one around, but do we speak to ourselves in Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs like in Ephesians? I sing, but whether I make melody, I am not sure. This melody is to be in my heart. If it does not originate there, then it is just singing and not a melody or praise of thanksgiving. This melody of thanksgiving is to be always, for all things. That is quite a feat in itself.
Go ahead, talk to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; it’s all right. Actually this activity would help you forget your troubles and lift your spirits high. Try it! Sing and make melody in your heart. Listen! And maybe you can perceive others doing the same and before you know it, a choir of Saints is formed all around you.
Many others are talking to themselves, in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. You are not alone. Listen! Can you hear it? The Saints are praising God the Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. What a melody. Take time to listen.