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Monday, February 21, 2011

Sound the Mega Phone


Sound the Mega Phone

For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak anything.
                                                                                         …I Thessalonians 1: 8 KJV

            Our family wasn’t hooked into any 911 system living out at the youth camp in Brazil, when the Mafia hit our home outside of town.  The criminals had just randomly picked our place to hide from the authorities chasing them.  We didn’t realize how much danger we were in until after the fact.
            After that close call of almost breaking into our home, my husband hooked up an alarm that would sound through out the mountainside.  This alarm was made from a car battery and had a megaphone wired to it so the alarm would be magnified several times over.  I felt better knowing my neighbors could come to our rescue if need be.
            The megaphone was so loud it would pierce anyone’s ears in the middle of the night.  This is the way I imagined he church of Thessalonica.  They were much like the Paul Revere fashion, sending it on yelling it out in the streets, passing on the Word in urgency.  The Thessalonians become examples to the world for their sounding out the gospel. This fascinates me when I think about Missions; we are to be megaphones to the world like the Thessalonians.
            Paul continues to say, in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; God-ward, or faith in God has influenced many to turn to Christ; Jesus the resurrected. 

I praise your name above all names, and am so thankful someone sounded the urgent call letting my family know of danger ahead.  The gospel message sounded through out our home when, a man, a minister took the time to tell my family we were lost without the redeeming blood of Christ.  At that moment my parents accepted Your Son and eventually, the rest of the family has come to accept Him also.
 I thank you Father.
 May my life always point God-ward. In the Name of Your Son Jesus I ask thee.

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