Went Out
Simple Faith
And in the day time he (Jesus) was teaching in the temple; and at night he went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives. And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him.
…Luke 21:37-38
Louisa gathered with a few friends for a Bible study upon a mountain top near by. “This will be our permanent meeting place, where it’s closer to God” said Louisa. This young lady wanted something more, leaving the group of believers at our local work in Brazil .
Louisa and her friends started their own services of just singing praises with no real searching of the scriptures, or grounding of sound doctrine. They only saw one aspect of worship to God, considering themselves spiritually “higher” than anyone else. Not long after starting, the praises from the group of animated young people dwindled to nothing. Voiced praises from the mountain top to the valley below all but stopped. Looking for a “high” as many do today, they were not satisfied with the simple way of Salvation, or even the simple fact of gathering together to hear His Word, which deepens our relationship with the Father.
Unhappy with themselves, the group looked to change others, or the system. High on the mountain doesn’t take you closer to God. It might be beautiful and tranquil, but it is the heart condition that draws us to Him. Louisa doesn’t even worship Him anymore, sad to say; still looking for that “high” she already has in Jesus.”
Ezekiel 6:13-14 is a prime example of the ungodly placing idols high on the mountain, a place they thought would find them favor in the eyes of their gods. God says His judgment will fall upon them, and they will know I am the Lord!
Christ went to the mountains at times when He wanted to be alone to pray to his Father, but He always returned to fellowship with the Saints. We are to congregate, to be an encouragement to others of like faith. Like Christ in our verse, they gathered at the temple. Christ died for the local church, you and me.
I praise You for your mighty works, and lift your name above all names.My heart is burdened, for many have gone away from You. They are taught by the world that they must be “high,” on something other than Jesus. You wait for their return, back to simple “trust in You.” You wait for their praises to be heard once again, but this time with the other saints You died for. Bring them back Father that they may allow your church to encourage them! In the name of Your Son Jesus
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