Strange Thermostat
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
…Romans 8:16, 26
The sky blended from pink to a deeper pink on the horizon while I watched the day fade away into the early evening. One sprawled tree became the backdrop for a beautiful picture that fine day. It has been engraved in my memory for some time. But something else stood out in this picturesque view even more this approaching night.
Our Brazilian neighbor owned a Brahma Bull named Benfeitor that roamed the pasture as if he owned it. In fact he could have it! No one bothered to argue otherwise. The silhouette of this huge bull was a sight to behold in proud stature, standing tall against the sky.
The muscled creature, strong in nature held his head up high as if king of the hill. The outline of the silhouette showed a hump on the back of the neck, distinguishing the Brahma from other bulls. The hump works as a thermostat to help cool the beast during very hot days; while veins run down the sides, to help the cooling process.
Brothers and sisters in Christ we too have a thermostat that provides us with insight about our spiritual lives indicating if we are cooling in our attitude towards our Savior. Interestingly most run to the Lord when things start to heat up in their lives. All of a sudden when the heat is on, they suddenly look to God to be rescued.
The Holy Spirit is part of our life when we become a Christian, so running away won't get you far. His work is to convict and bring you back to God in true fellowship. If you thought much about this personal thermostat we possess, we would be so truly thankful. It wouldn't be a pretty picture if we didn't have the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit to bring us back to the fold. Now that is true fellowship as a believer.
Let the Holy Spirit work in you not allowing sin to come into your life showing lukewarm on God's spiritual gage.
Because of Christ, the Holy Spirit or thermostat has been made available to regulate your life and He will direct us to keep it ever level and at a temperature that pleases the Almighty.
When you start to feel the temperature dropping or cooling, remember it is not the thermostat. When you stop fellowship with other believers, remember it’s not the thermostat, because He doesn’t communicate a wrong reading. You have hurt, sin, or disbelief going on inside. Call on the Lord and permit the Holy Spirit to work and fellowship with you the way you allowed Him to before. Don’t continue to push Him away.
Carol, this probably isn't news to you, but you are a very talented writer. I enjoy how you don't tell, you show. Very descriptive. Great use of action verbs, too. I never noticed such things until I started working on this Masters in journalism. Keep it up!