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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sliced, Diced, and Mashed/Camel Spider

Camel Spider

For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a  storm against the wall. 
                                                                                                        …Isaiah 25:4

            War is inevitable.  Desert Storm took our men to the desert.  This was much different than most of our young men were used too, with the sand and blistering heat beating on them daily.  One interesting creature some of our soldiers came upon was the Camel or Sun Spider known to this particular region of the world.  Solpugids are not actual spiders, but named, because appear and jump as spiders.  Uniquely camouflaged the Sun Spider blends in with his surroundings making it harder to be seen by his predators.  Most of the numerous species are non-venomous, but can make you ill when dehydration is an already possible factor.
            When the camouflaged spider becomes too warm in the sun, it runs or tries to jump in the shadow of anything or anyone passing by.  The spider begins to chase after you trying to cool in your very shadow.  I would be running for sure if I saw this huge spider chasing me.  It can be a frightening occasion if not expecting this normal occurrence in the desert.  I would be chasing your shadow too, if I were in the blistering heat needing to find comfort. 
            Isaiah talks about running to the shadow of the Almighty.  In this verse he is praising God for His faithfulness.  Lord you have been a strength, a refuge,… and a shadow from the heat. When the weight of the world hits you full force, and the blistering heat of trouble takes your strength away, run to the shadow of the Almighty.  There awaits you renewed strength, complete restoration in the safety and comfort of Almighty God.  Run for the shadows! Run for a renewed commitment!  Up till now, it has been the Holy Spirit wooing you to His care.  You heard it, now it depends on you to obey and run to his open arms.  Christ is waiting.  Don’t be drawn and satisfied with little patches of shade when you can be completely in the Shadow of the Almighty.

How excellent is thy loving kindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.…Psalm 36:7

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