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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sliced, Diced and Mashed/Say That Again!?

Say that again?

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.       

 ...Romans 10:13

            Learning another language was certainly an experience.  We struggled the first few months with Portuguese while our 4 ½ year old daughter April, was quietly storing her vocabulary away.  One day she decided to come out of her shell, but did she have to show us up?
Why were we so concerned about her adapting, when she rolled off Portuguese so naturally?  It made us sick and envious of an almost five year old.  I know it wasn't right, and I confessed my envy to the Lord, but she kept on and on, while I tripped and stumbled like an idiot.  We fooled her, when we finally caught up a few years later.
Caught her once though!  I knew something she didn't.   I was expecting her baby brother Robert, "Bobby" and April had heard I would soon dar a' luz, or give birth.  April was in church and heard preacher say Jesus was going to dar luz.  "Jesus is going to have a baby?"  Her eyes opened wide in astonishment still asking, "Is Jesus really going to have a baby?"
I gained the upper ground now!  I had her!  In English I explained to April that Jesus da' luz ao mundo, He gives light to the world, not gives birth.  These two expressions were so close in nature it confused her. I wouldn't admit it threw me off for a minute also.   I know kid, it's not easy is it, understanding this foreign jibber-jabber?  We came to a truce that day 26½ year old with a 4½ year old.  She promised not to show me up and I promised to feed her as I tickled her fiercely
Bobby turned around and did the same thing.  Born in Brazil, he too spoke fluently.  I know April whispered in his ear "Come on, you gotta help me here.  We've gotta stick together--make em' look bad."  The Portuguese finally came, but what a trip!
Later, our children did understand about a birth, the birth of Christ, and the reason for His coming.  Portuguese or English, it is still the same message.  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  ...Romans 10:13
Jesus is the light of the world. 

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