Old Testament Peer Pressure
Judas then having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.
Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?
They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth . Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.
…John 18:3-5
I remember so well what it was like to feel pressure from those my age, especially in junior high and high school years. I remember once I had a crush on a young man just a bit older than myself. If he asked me to do something, I probably would have done it for him. Of course my dad asked, “And if he were to jump off the Empire State Building , you would do it too?” In my heart I knew he wouldn’t ask me to do something so dreadful, but I got the point. We tend to listen to those of influence over us, sometimes not the best role models.
Our narrow idea of what love is, can get us into deep trouble. Our parents are not perfect, but they are put in our lives to help us in that growing process, no matter how young people might fight God’s way of doing things. That’s right! God’s way! How do we ever expect our own children to listen to us if we first don’t respect our own parents? We live a lie in front of our own children, maybe not realizing it. I do realize, there are a lot of parents kids are ashamed of—and truthfully, I agree there are very few good role models out there. But it doesn’t take the responsibility away from us to obey, even if it is not how you think it should be. Now we are not talking about abuse—that is another whole subject, and we all know it is not of God.
Judas has been influenced by his peers, and is no teen. He is with a band of men and officers from the courts of the High Priests and Pharisees. Six hundred peers are prepared with torches, lanterns, and weapons. All for an unjust cause, race to the garden where Judas knew Jesus would be. His heart most likely pounded with excitement as the coins jingled in his pocket.
It was no surprise to Jesus about their coming. Why do you think the tears fell on to the rocks in the garden? Were the tears for what was to come, as well as for the soul of Judas? Judas, lost for eternity for thirty pieces of silver. Jesus wept for me, why would He not have wept for Judas as he betrayed Him to the enemies. Those enemies are ours still today and they seek to have you deny the Savior. Unbeliever, it is not worth thirty pieces of silver, whatever that might be in today’s terms. If only you could ask Judas what he would do, if he could do it all over again.
Today is the day for acceptance; tomorrow may be too late. Even Judas felt peer pressure and greed for earthly gain. Didn’t help him much did it? And it won’t help you.
Old Testament peer pressure or today’s; the same—don’t be wrongly influenced. Those who grab your attention now, where will they be when they have to stand before God almighty? That is one place we stand alone!
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