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Monday, September 12, 2011

Have Cake, Will Crumble

Have Cake, Will Crumble

He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.
                                                                                                …Psalm 101:7

            I killed a piece of chocolate cake today; thought it was a fly.  The unusually large spot appeared to me that it wasn’t a normal speck in the design of the counter-top. When I walked into the kitchen I was sure this blemished area was a fly or cricket. 
            When I fiercely smacked the intruder for it not to get away, the substance crumbled, I thought in fear of me.  Cake usually crumbles, but I didn’t see until I put my glasses on what I had captured.  The ferocious morsel was permanently detained in triumph, keeping all from danger of being devoured. 
            The only true devouring would have taken place was when I’d noticed it was a morsel of cake; I don’t usually let cake crumbs get away that easy.
            OK I told the story with a bit of drama but without my glasses things look so strange at a foot or two away.  Feeling foolish I cleaned up the crumbs and half giggled at my attempt, thinking I need to wear my glasses all the time now. 
            I was humorously deceived by a tidbit of dessert, but in the belief there was a trespasser I took it very serious. David takes wicked intruders serious.  God also wants us to be serious about liars and deceivers that come into our lives.   In this Psalm, David declares there will not dwell workers of deceit in his house, and he that telleth lies shall not tarry in his sight.
            I wish not for flies and bugs in my house, but also do not want liars and deceitful people in either.  Once in a while I may misjudge what I thought was a creepy-crawly thing, but spiritually I will work like David to keep ungodly intruders out.  I will however need God’s help and guidance to filter through those who deceivers that tend to fool me.  God is a better judge than I am at knowing true followers of Christ, or false prophets and teachers, though Satan can’t fool God Almighty.
            Watch out deceitful one!  Don’t try to linger in my sight or you might just get smacked, but this time I’m wearing my eyeglasses of wisdom from God, and you can’t escape.  No more chocolate cake smashed on the counter.  As David (vs.3), I will walk within my house with a perfect heart, or tuned in with God where His eyesight is perfect.
            Ps. Is that chocolate on your face?

Give me wisdom to see afar off those that try to deceive and make one thing look like another.  Help me not to fall for Satan’s tactics to pull me in by appearing to be something he is not.  Thank you for being my filter, because I don’t always trust my own judgment; my sight is not always so good, but I will trust yours.  In Jesus name I pray

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