The View
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
…2 Corinthians 5:17
A beautiful double-wide trailer home, with the setting of thick trees behind it caught my eyes. The trailer home was brightly new, as if just placed on the lot. One would be impressed at the setting for sure. Walking in through the door, the carpet is new, and window fixings are starched and fresh appearing. New appliances lined the kitchen wall, with snuggly fit oak cabinets; even the scent of baked cookies filled the air.
The bay window in the living area was a delight. Glancing out the open view, one would expect to see beautiful trees lining the wooded area through the draped windows. But instead, there stood still erect, the awful sight of their previously owned trailer.
The disappointing view, took away from the present attraction I had first laid my eyes on. The siding of the old trailer was off, insulation hung everywhere, and a burnt odor lingered unavoidably so close to the newly placed home. Nothing was done to clear the burnt out frame and the clutter. Each day glancing out the window was a reminder of the past.
The burnt trailer reminded me of my sinful condition before I came to know the Lord. Praise Him for saving me! I But to have to view the old nature everyday would be reminding me of my sin, and the world ways I left behind, or thought I did. I am a new creature, with a new heavenly home waiting for me, why would I want to see ruins of my life instead of the wonderful things God has for me? Those past mistakes should have been torn down and given to the Lord, besides the giving of my future.
The old nature lingers near for many, like they’re still holding on to something they can’t seem to let go of. Their whole life they have missed what God intended for them to enjoy. The scenery from the new home would have been refreshing, but instead they choose to continue looking out at their past.
Tare down the old shell of a life, throw the piles of junk away, and look to the trees, the shimmer of sunlight on the leaves, and the birds chirping. What a more pleasant sight, don’t you think? Don’t you need a new view? Begin by giving that past to the Lord, no matter what awful sight it holds.
I give you my past, the one I held on to when I asked you to come live in my heart. You forgave me, but I selfishly hung on to the memories of the world, the part I thought I enjoyed. I now allow You room to work and start anew in me. Thank You Holy Spirit, for continuing to work,convicting me of holding back on God. How could I have traded this view of You for an old painful past. I praise You, in the name of your Son Jesus
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