Choice: Cocaine or Grandma?
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;
2 Corinthians 3:5
Awake unto righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.
I Corinthians 15:34
Our five year old grandson expressed to us he was upset. When questioning why he explained, "Granma! I wanted to take you to “Show and Tell,” but you won't fit in my backpack." I found this so funny. The rule being that the object taken to "Show and Tell" could not exceed the size of the children's backpack. This helped them understand at their age, the size allowed. Even the children in pre-school had specific instructions to follow.
How do we expect children to follow instructions when parents don’t? Listening to our news channel this week it was reported of a six year old child who took crack cocaine to school for “Show and Tell.” I gasped in unbelief at what I heard. The boy didn’t know it was wrong, because it was an everyday occurrence to him. He even knew how to use it; having seen it used so often.
Poor child! The mother got off with possible child endangerment and paid a fine of around $345. Parents! Grow up! Raise your children, not the children raise you! Children should not be cleaning up vomit from a drunken parent, or fixing meals for themselves because their mother or father is strung out on drugs.
Set for them an example that you might be worthy to be called a parent. Isn’t it a “Parent,” our Nation needs God? I am upset too Jordan , because as a nation we left the precepts or instructions God gave us, and this is what we have. Jordan was upset not able to take me, but one day he will laugh at that. He won’t laugh, when he sees the world left for him to raise his children in. God forgive us! Having the Lord will be his hope through it all.
No! Christian homes aren’t perfect; they too are struggling. Christian, be what God wants you to be and the world will change. If you are hiding behavior that does not please God, give it up and let Him clean up your “act.”
Believers, or unbeliever, don’t look at me, look at my Savior; the True example with instructions for you how to be the parent, husband, wife, sister or daughter God meant for you to be. We all need God! Read His instruction book. Then maybe your child will want to take you for “Show and Tell.”
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