Are You Hungry Yet?
Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done; and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.
…Psalm 40:5
He walked forward, stopped and turned back to see if I was following him. Our Beagle knows me too well at times. I will say “Come on Buddy let’s get some supper.” But on the way I pick up the clothes basket, hang a towel or close a curtain. He knows he will stop, start, stop and start again before he arrives at his destination-food. With each stop he waits patiently while I’m sure that under his dog breath he is saying, “I’m hungry! Can’t you hear my belly growl?”
One thing for sure about our Beagle he does know I will feed Him, not maybe at the moment he wants, but he will be fed. Twice a day we go through our routine of “Are you hungry?” and then his tail wags wildly at the hopes of being fed. Buddy always seems to be hungry; has such an appetite.
The thought occurred to me how the Lord waits patiently for me to act upon His direction but I am so easily distracted not acting on His plea to follow. Christ always has great things in mind for me and He does want to see me follow Him. His ways are not always my ways…sad to say I seem to think I know what is best for me. I must do this, or finish that giving Him excuses why I haven’t arrived at the destiny He has for me yet.
When I do arrive, I find all I need to be equipped for the task at hand, with all the tools needed. How great are thy mercies and living kindness O Lord unto me. Why then do I hesitate, linger long or even hold back from a bowl full of blessings. Just as Buddy we will also come away satisfied. Are you listening? Can you hear Him say “Are you coming?”
In the name of your Son Jesus, Help me to learn to be quiet, listen and followwithout hesitancy.
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